Homework 1: Rijksmix and ballet switch


Rijksmix project

Rijksmix creates a juxtaposition between artists and their artworks, displayed at Rijksmuseum in the Netherlands whose collections database is available on their website, and Soundcloud, a large music distribution platform. As the author of the project claims: “Visiting a classical art museum normally amounts to silent appraisal of exhibited art pieces. Silence indeed eliminates environmental distraction and allows the visitor to contemplate art, yet I would sometimes wish a classical art exhibition would not only stimulate my vision (and thought), but other senses as well.”

On the Rijksmix website, the user can type the name of their favourite artist. If the artist’s work is displayed in Rijksmuseum, a picture of an artwork will appear. Additionally, a search query is submitted to Soundcloud’s API, which sends back a list of tracks corresponding to the search query. One of these tracks is played, as the user sees the artist’s painting.


Dance, especially ballet is based on multiple basic elements. One of the first things a ballet dancer learns is the different positions of feet, from 1st to 6th. I decided to create a switch that would allow to see, whether a person’s 1st position is entirely straight, meaning that their heels would touch each other. If the heels are touching, then the LED light turns on, if they are not – LED light is off. This is a simple circuit, using Arduino board, breadboard, 3 wires, resistor, LED light, ballet shoes and blue tape. Ideally, the back of the heel part would be covered by conductive material.


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